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This is a physical testing battery completed over 2 separate appointments. It covers strong evidence based physical tests that possess enormous predictive power for predicting our current longevity and healthspan status. Tests includes cardio fitness, upper limb and lower limb power and strength, grip, agility, reaction time and balance. At the end of the test we will review your results and provide you with a report and longevity score. This will also give great insight to an exercise program designed specifically for you and your health and longevity goals.


Part 1 of our ‘Longevity Testing’ involves medical screening (in case you have not been to PXP before) assessment of your cardiorespiratory fitness level, single leg strength, balance and grip strength.

What we will find out:
– Your estimated VO2peak (sometimes called VO2max) which is the maximum amount of oxygen you can take up and use in 1 minute per kilogram of body mass.
– A safe intensity for your cardio training if you have a health concern.
– Any adverse signs and symptoms that need to be followed up with a medical doctor.
– A rating of your fitness level and what this means for longevity
– Your grip strength compared to optimal levels
– Your single leg strength ability and compared to optimal for your body weight
– Balance ability.

This appointment is suitable for people with known diagnosed medical conditions such as heart disease, atrial fibrillation, arrhythmia’s, heart failure, diabetes or high blood pressure to find out if exercise is safe, and at what intensity we would advise you to exercise.

The cardio test is a symptom limited test and will be conducted to a level that is a safe intensity for you and your condition. Exercise Physiologist’s are qualified to assess your safety and readiness to exercise and the test may stopped if we see any abnormalities or concerns, we will then refer you along with information collected back to your GP or Cardiologist.

This test is also suitable for apparently healthy individuals who want to know more about their physical longevity status and then advice on how to optimise their lifestyle and exercise to improve this over time.

Once you have completed Part 1 of our Longevity Test please book in for Part 2 to obtain your full Longevity Report score and advice for improvement in your exercise program.


Part 2 of our ‘Longevity Testing’ involves testing your overall power, agility and strength such as:

– Lower body and upper body power
– Agility
– Lifting ability
– Pushing ability
-Reaction time
– Knee deceleration ability (eg. going down steps/hills)

What we will find out:
Once all tests have been completed (including Part 1) we will sit down to discuss your ‘Longevity score’ as well as what testing you did well in as well as certain areas to improve. We will also discuss evidence based guidelines of exercise and your bodies potential / ability to reduce risk of health ailments or physical ailments as you age.

This appointment is suitable for people with known diagnosed medical conditions such as osteoporosis, heart disease/arrhythmia’s, heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure and musculoskeletal issues. Testing can be tailored to suit your needs.

This test is also suitable for apparently healthy individuals who want to know more about their physical longevity status and then advice on how to optimise their lifestyle and exercise to improve this over time.

We will send you your ‘Longevity Testing Report’ at the conclusion of your appointments.

Our Pricing

Longevity Testing - Part 1


Longevity Testing - Part 2
